Wednesday, January 25, 2012

'Way stations' and great selling companies!

OK, right her quickly, some new friends have been writing GCNR: Super Japanese music stars; Barry Schwarz with "Search Engine Land"; Michael Stelzner with "Social Media Examiner" (that is really cool because I used to be with the San Francisco Examiner); and "Tech Walls."

Some great companies have strolled at GCNR, including GoToMyPC, great speaker of Dr. Melvin Pasternak and Ezeedata-Edgenet! Hey, a lot of cars and trucks have at least visited after Tge wide Super Bowl stories start showing up!

Why for all this? Make sure that everybody out there pushing off the word of blogging to broadcast critical information knows that we, Gerald Carroll News Report, have indeed realizing just how gigantic is simply putting together information and letting all know!

Example, I dream of large companies like this:

Walmart, Best Buy, Target, Macy's, KMart, and a couple of munch spots like McDonald's, Burger King and Jack in the Box! Sure, a whole lot other eateries are all out there, but I wikk figure those out as soon as we can at GCNR!

Politics, President Obama, a very dangerous Social Security and questionable countries overseas, no way it will be stopped from covered here!

Best rest of January, and soon-to-coming February! Thanks again Google and their great helpers and experts!

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