It is obvious. New Year has arrived, and making sure Barack Obama will easily win a second president election in 2012 is right there!
When "winners" at Iowa are people like Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum, none of those Republicans are any where close to Obama. Why? Because the smart Obama has quietly been conservative on laws!
All the United States military systems have been all slowly swept away. Obama, however, has passed a large $662 billion military cash bill. Conservatives would be doing that right now!
Gigantic another score for Obama comes with success of Ron Paul, a Texas congressman, whose fiery politics have been heating up even more. Years ago, Ron Paul was known as being almost too reactionary, dangerous as a military believer and very serious against United States enemies.
And now, look ar his son, Rand Paul, who is a senator in Kentucky in Congress. Now these "Pauls" are right there, in huge powers, but both actually helping Obama to stay as president as the 2012 year grows.
Note TV ratings. In all of them -- Fox, CNN, NBC and CBC -- covered Ron Paul, despite Romney was "first" in Iowa. Newt Gingrich, thought a significant Republican earlier, has went down in flames, at least for the New Year.
Obama has it all. Despite contravesial laws on medicine, war oversees, nuclear issues on Iran and a host of supposedly liberal trends, Obama is running thos show.
Note a new blog is packaged right next to a bunch of 2011 stories. Hopefully, these groups will be positioned right next to each other!