Thursday, January 5, 2012

McCain backs Romney, which gives 2012 to Obama

Just as we discussed earlier, lack of any important Republican candidates in Iowa were still hanging around, with Mitt Romney the top winner by Iowan caucus voters. With John NcCain, who lost the presidency last election, really emphasize support on Romney, which actually helps Obama, the Democratic dominance.

One other man, Ron Paul of Texas, was supported a lot by Iowans. Paul has always had a difffferent view of United States money and economy, and Paul ended up correct when hitting Congress by violating use of their money. People demonstrated as "Occupy" parades know why all this cash is moving from people into governments, and Paul opposes money-handlers.

Even Obama is quietly supporting the dominate of many against money and Occupy views. The United States have already taken over business cars, gasoline and military spending. Ron Paul, though, have for years pointing out this trouble where cash disappears.

Obama needs to ready to completely set up money to again assist people, not hurt people and current investors. If different economy develops, Occupy marchers need to figure out a new plan, and tackle Washington for their views!

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