Thursday, January 26, 2012

'Entrepreneur' has huge stories -- on paper!

This magazine, yes, does have a big-time Internet package, but also is printed in paper, with color and a lot ot excellent ads!

Steven Smith is the interviewed businessman with the very chocked-full Enterpreneur magazine, this story in the February 2012 magazine which has not even came up yet from late January!

Significant ads come with major companies, including some that would normally used about traditional business, like for example, UPS Store, which runs a giant business of trucks, and saying, "We [Love] Logistics" which makes real sense to customers who know a lot about the Internet.

Now it is great having all kinds of ads, many of them on colleges, some sales and leading on to cars and travel, but note these, which are on the magazine but would also super here! Including:

GoToMeeting, Newegg Business, United Health, AppStore and Knob Creek. Hey, that last one was super-duper whiskey (ahem!). Now I had never even seen enough these companies, and one more comment:

Jobs can be there, to different new companies! Steve Smith is describing about getting Starbucks going strong, and isn't that a little interesting, because did Starbucks had trouble in coffee economy a while back?

Means that Internet is a good one. Especially Google! I hope I finally get out of a hospital bed soon enough!

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