Thursday, February 2, 2012

Romney has huge task to catch up Obama

Mitt Romney is closer and closer to grabbing the Republican nomination for president against the Democrat, Obama -- but the reality is making it too late to stop Obama's complete new world.

Wars are gone, and might never come back. Money will be taken from to wealthy people, and given to those who are needing it. Medical costs will come down, and will spread to illness citizens, and that big law has already been passed, and forgotten.

Obama has it all. Romney is just another Republican, and just look at all this. Republicans try and get there pals to keep cash, and still keep poor families poor. Republicans can buy insurance, and buy hospital care, and poor people cannot.

The "Occupy" people are used to be formerly rich families, most older, whose wiped-out money has disappeared. Check all these out. Many are older. Republicans are meaner. Democrats are winning.

So, this is future that looks very gaunt. Remember the days when large cash was earned to buy up new companies? Stocks were hot? Young people could not easily make money? Kids are stuck with little, except for huge, wasted cash on schools!

Oops. Look at busiess mapazines. They talk about Internet money, and big-time money are these million of blogs. Young people make it. Older people losed it all.

Young people like Obama. Old prople do not.

Society has changed. Time for meeting up with ths new society. Maybe everyone will have to chip in souls to each other.

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