Notice what is real. "Religious" is freedom in the United States. However, religion is not free at most of the world's nations.
And, note that religion might seem like free in the United States, but Christians all seem to have different pressure. Catholics are Christian. Mormans are Christian, or they all say that. South Baptists are also Christians, or they claim that. Jewish families have some Bible believes, but leave out Christ is more important.
Confused? That continues that way, and during the last of religious life is gaining more and more difficult. Sure, the Constitution in the United States sort if grants any kind of religion, but truthfully, Christans seem to get more over other religions in the U.S.
Right now, a gigantic problem area with religion deals with Islam. That religious beliefs become actually battles against Christians, Jews and other religions, and wars at countries like Iraq show what little can be accomplished by any religions wanting to actually challenge Islam.
Now, in the Islamic religious, all kinds has different of tribes exist. Some of many Islamic people are part of that religious seriously. Iran, for example, is completely different Islamcs that Saudi Arabia. Honestly, populations from those nationals could actually fight each other.
Clearly, Islamic fighters have faced the United States, some shown as religious beliefs attacking New York buildings, and adding the Pentagon in Washington. It is complicated. Actually, it now is very difficult to blame all Islamics for this attacks, and the years aft that, not agreeabl Islamics for all war battled in Iraq and Afganistan. Tribes are different. Even now, with United States military leaving most of the time, no questions were ever answered.
Will United States religion ever stay important about Christans? Will religious in other nations remain battling with Islam still strike aganst the United States? Should there any more wars later on?
Actually, no. Violence has done very little to objective United States military. Violence have also done against Islam to U.S. to gain importance. Time is now to stop fighting, and start talking.
Has important battles for the United States against Other countries really accomplished a lot? No doubt the use of religion to figure this out needs to slow down weapons, and increased minds. Talking needs to start and get larger to cease all this violence, and understanding all religions which are difference than Christians, and need to call off attackes, and grow minds.