Saturday, December 31, 2011

What war wrecks New Year by U.S.?

Only few minutes left until 2012 New Year. Now about war? A whole lot of such war has either actually been done, or still simmering around the entire world!

First, the United States leaving Iraq, and will soon leave Afghanistan. Very little information on resuls of American involvment has not reported clearly. When troops leave, so does journalists. So far, very little purposes why American uniformed men and women were sent to that country.

Iran continue to be a country right next to Iraq and threatens nuclear weapons and missiles. Israel faces such an attack from Iran. Right now, no real United States military plans about how to deal with Iran is not existed.

Egypt continues to be in rebellion. People are violent, and new leaders are not controlling a dangerous population. Yemen in a nation just across to Saudi Arabia, south of Egypt, is also battling there leaders right here.

Strangely, much war-like issues for against United States seem to be leaving many of these countries. Libya, for example, in African, has shot up its leaders on a major civil war. That country and its oil remain confused.

Other parts of the world are shaking. North Korea lost its leader, and questions about that country have to yet have decent answers. China has spend billions of dollars copying the United States in business, and Japan has used all this Chinese workers to making all kinds of products. Chine, therefor, cannot really support North Korea.

Wars are dangerous all over the world, and it will be best for United States moving their military out, period. Keep soldiers at home, or maybe at some Europe-based troops or bases in Japan for that part of the world. However, actually fighting somebody makes no sense.

Military personnel are, frankly, weak. Too few troops exist, and not enough vehicles and weapons are short. Plus, too many nations are mad out there.

Religion? Nobody really wants to talk about this, but billions of Christians and billions of Islamists are taking aim at their lives and possible wars. Stoping religion out of used period is the best for any the countries.

What a mess. It is time to stop fighting. All nations need to grow up, and put away their weapons and stop trying to make nuclear weapons. Reason, not violence, is needed.

It is time to seek and read information from these countries.

Miracle change relieves feet, hands!

What a gigantic new age came here in about six hours! A brutal pain-feet, and pain-hands have been removed, at least for the moment, with new and placed medicine!

These pains are normally all day and night, with doctors battling for months the disease. Usually, the nerves collects for heat and pain, swelling and very painful off tissue and on the each day. This is one main reason why I cannot actually go outside very often. Pain runs the feet.

Hands are also cruel. I have to wear gloves, which are cut to clear front fingers. The cloth does help from the the entire hands' pain and stiffem the fingers.

So during some days and nights, there are cronic pain. The only to try and prevent the pain is to lay on a bed, and not move the hands or feet at all! So to write something in these reports, I usually do it with some pain, and put up with it because the news are more important!

But something fantastic has happened! Now a month or so, we did trie to use very strong pills that did stop pain, but they are dizzyed me for a long after. Doctors had changed things, and decided to stop the pills.

That was horrific! Pain from feet and hands were so big that I cannot move, even speak. More recearch was done. Yesterday and today were the starts, along with Sunday, which will Jan. 1, 2012.

That means if the pain-stopping treatments remain working, that will make 2012 a New Year that is spectacular! Let's go! Right this minute pain is gone and happiness has started! Time to pray!

Kentucky basketball looks like NBA

Goodness! Today's huge physical basketball is supposed to be with college teams taking each other, but honestly, it remind fans of watching NBA!

Scary on this one, is the victory by Kentucky, 69-62, was poured over defense against visiting Louisville. Both coaches are great! John Calipari is the Kentucky coach, with familiar Rick Patino is the Louisville leader.

Wow. A big one. But Kentucky had some huge defense, and leader Michael Kidd-Gilchrist scored 19 pounds against a big Louisville defense as well.

Watching a game on college teams reminds me that the game has changed, remarkably to heavy, physical, fast game. That means tough defense, physically guiding the net, pushing offenders out of the way and forcing them to try threes on deep shots.

Remember Patino? The guy did use to coach on Kentucky years ago, and the guy later went to the Boston Celtics in the NBA, but did not do that well, and later has been to Louisville, another famous college team.

Patino seems to know what is happening, but his team was just outmanned by Kentucky. John Calipari is the exceptional coach for Kentucky. Looks the Wildcats will be difficult to beat at all in the SEC as the new starts tomorrow, Sunday.

Unexpected game was played with Kentucky fairly easily beating Louisville. Who knows? Long schedule ahead, and the March 2012 tournament for the NCAA will see both these teams right back!

Friday, December 30, 2011

'Occupy,' Obama and people need of reality

President Obama remains in office during the days that people remain opposed to United States money-using powers, and march all over the face of the country.

The whole "Occupy" all around the world reminds that 1920s money broken, and people out of work now in the same away they were in the 1920s. But what can be done right now? Such an attack, in the Occupy battle, is huge, but confusing. Few people really know why Obama is ding everything wrong to fix the economy.

Understanding anything is just hanging unknown by everybody.

Republicans seem to have a too old philosophy, just like the big deals that were spent on Iowa, and nothing difficult was placed on Obama. This president will be easily made again the president another election, and the misleading money will be unmentioned!

Mitt Romney was announced as the top Republican, as Newt Gingrich slipped at Iowa. The best one of all, Michele Bachmann, remained strong in the Republicans. Hopefully, her campaign would be a good one against Obama, and have a shot later in 2012.

The big deal right now is that a screwed-up government officials on Social Security, medical assistants for the sick, and help for families who are stricken with zero money for jobs, really needs to face Obama. He is already claiming on "support" for cash needed for the poor, but no way to even have Democrats figured this one out, and of course keeping Republicans way, way on there for losers for now.

Occupy needs to keep struggling. Time for people to getting powerful and getting Obama out of the way.

Good papers forced into California changes

Fresno Bee is a familiar, very excellent paper. Right now, it is trimming down effective printing pages.

For example, the regal Nation story is moved out of a separate color paper. Instead of starting as a separate page, it moves into the lead package. Stories from other nations still reach, but get buried into the first section of the Bee.

State news also has a location, but also in the first section, near the Nation. It is simply having to keep that only first section, remove any color photos and force readers in looking for even thing crammed in one spot.

Visalia still is trying to see of Valley Voice will somehow stay on. The weekly newspaper has brought into better printng, but out-of-printing out of county which changes laws and removes formaly leagal laws on certain ads.

Visalia Times-Delta has been brave in tryi to keep a neutral operation, and the press keeps on creating a significant color and photo group, and has won laws against certain types of laws about ads because of Valley Voice paper.

In any rate, papers still are needed, even if Fresno, Visalia papers and even Valley is there. Trying to have news on Internet only without paper might still be needed by residences. However, this new story, Gerald Carroll News Report, does help in one area.

Life, and escaping death. Because of brain stroke, trying to
Eave the safe rest home, and attempting to work again normally, just cannot yet happen. However, I can still watch, speak and write off an Internet, and companies, including Google, are helping.

As for local papers in this part of California, I want them all as great as they need to be! It is time for readers! Radio and TV coverage will always be around, but print stories on paper are even more important!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Religious freedom, but can be dangerous

Notice what is real. "Religious" is freedom in the United States. However, religion is not free at most of the world's nations.

And, note that religion might seem like free in the United States, but Christians all seem to have different pressure. Catholics are Christian. Mormans are Christian, or they all say that. South Baptists are also Christians, or they claim that. Jewish families have some Bible believes, but leave out Christ is more important.

Confused? That continues that way, and during the last of religious life is gaining more and more difficult. Sure, the Constitution in the United States sort if grants any kind of religion, but truthfully, Christans seem to get more over other religions in the U.S.

Right now, a gigantic problem area with religion deals with Islam. That religious beliefs become actually battles against Christians, Jews and other religions, and wars at countries like Iraq show what little can be accomplished by any religions wanting to actually challenge Islam.

Now, in the Islamic religious, all kinds has different of tribes exist. Some of many Islamic people are part of that religious seriously. Iran, for example, is completely different Islamcs that Saudi Arabia. Honestly, populations from those nationals could actually fight each other.

Clearly, Islamic fighters have faced the United States, some shown as religious beliefs attacking New York buildings, and adding the Pentagon in Washington. It is complicated. Actually, it now is very difficult to blame all Islamics for this attacks, and the years aft that, not agreeabl Islamics for all war battled in Iraq and Afganistan. Tribes are different. Even now, with United States military leaving most of the time, no questions were ever answered.

Will United States religion ever stay important about Christans? Will religious in other nations remain battling with Islam still strike aganst the United States? Should there any more wars later on?

Actually, no. Violence has done very little to objective United States military. Violence have also done against Islam to U.S. to gain importance. Time is now to stop fighting, and start talking.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Google miracle for huge GCNR, YankeeOtaku

This is the biggest story ever for my life. It explains about my brain stroke illness in late April 2011, and Google has found a gigantic series of stories -- and the group has even added ads! The story is from a fairy tale, a movie script, and something need to reported immediately!

Google located seven major stories that I wrote as a log, April 20 to April 24. The story was put together on this iPad, which I had just bought on April. Huge section, called, was used to collect the stories about Sakura-Con, which was staged in Seattle on April 2011, and a Japanese famous, seven-singer group, Berryz Kobo, which was there, the first-even United States visit.

Berryz was sensational then, and is now! Note this report here:


This incredible YouTube story is crazy wonderful on iPad! Hundreds of songs and YouTube music is there! Now with my giant logs on, actually found by Google and placed on ads:

" will report directly from Sakura-Con" (April 20, 2011).

"Sakura-Con, Daly 0: Logging the latest development" (April 22, 2011).

"What I really want to tell Berryz Kobo today" (April 22, 2011).

"Sakura-Con, Day 1: The Berryz Kobo magic has begun" (April 22, 2011).

"Sakura-Con, Dav 2: Berryz Kobo's historic debut U.S. concert" (April 23, 2011).

"Bulletin: Berryz and fans bring 'great joy' to Sakura-Con" (April 23, 2011).

"Sakura-Con, Day 3: Berryz brilliant and brainless" (April 24, 2011).

Right after I returned to California after the Seattle trip and detailed writings about this event, I lost it all. I failed to going back to work. I failed to wake up. My brain nearly died. Months after I never woke, until around roughly August 2011, and a company specializes in trying to revive human beings who delay die, I was saved.

Later, I could write again, not really as decent as before my brain was hit in April. However, Google has actually helped, and have carefully assisted me, and now is using ads in the new Gerald Carroll News Report now being documented.

Why I lost it all just after Sakura-Con, to me, has nothing to do with the event. No matter what was going on, losing the brain was bound to happen. I did go to Japan in December 2010, no problems after seeing the Morning Musume concert, and watching Berryz Kobo twice in Japan before they even toured Seattle later in April 2011.

All my old blogs, with names like,, and others, explain a lot. As time goes, my brain will continue to come around with critical information. But the miracle of Google is the huge story. It is ready for some kind of movie. Doctors need to know, as they have helped me heal. Hospitals have been astonishing. Medicine has saved me. Staff has done it. Story is still going on! More as more becomes!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year approaches, 2012 or not

The world has a new year, and because of the huge mess it has been a 2012 year, people just need to pray for good week for another Sunday.

News have been gathering for horrific troubles for Christmas last Sunday. Normally, the holiday was a great one for any families and friends. Only a few difficulties we reported in America.

However, in other nations, Christmas did worship the Jesus-born day, but other religions did not. Jewish populations had a different custom. Islam families did not recognize any Christmas leanings, and in some countries, like in Nigeria, some Islamic gunmen attacked Christians, according to reports.

In the United States, a few Islam people disrupted the Christmas events. It seems that the years get longer, the more non-Christmas locatios are more common.

Hopefully, 2012 will be better. United States troops are gone from Iraq, most of the, and leaving Afganistan as well. Maybe all these nations will simply good by themselves, and will use their own religions for peace rather than war.

After Iowa: Obama could beat by Bachmann in 2012

As we did mention earlier, President Obama will have no difficulties staying for a second office as the fall 2012 election approaches.

Why? First, confusion on United States money has become massive! Stocks at Wall Street are not properly worked. Large banks know how to sneak over to their cash back, taken from the government, and rich people stole the money! Large companies have given up to Obama. Silently, the government is winning.

Republicans are bare all, with plans that would scrap most Social Security needs. People desperately with permanent illness keep on signing up for Social Security, but the government, mostly the Republicans, want injured people gone, forever!

Obama has quietly supported the Social Security and prodded so Republicans would walk off the plank and drown, just make it done and over!

Republicans include Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann. Too bad about Bachmann, who is properly the world's best one for president, and few notice. However, for some reason, media just keep here on the side. Romney gain ground yesterday, and Newt just wants this, and is working hard.

However, hopefully Bachmann goes for it. She is the only the decent presidential candidate out there, far better than Obama. Bachmann would be able to grapple over money crooks, and be sparkling economy and taking over enemy nations elsewhere. She us smart.

Time for somebody to take on Obama. Let's try Michele Bachmann!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Congratulations for Google here at GCNR!

Hooray! Google shows it semsational way to build ads quickly on blog, and worth the effort to inform customers and create sales!

For years, I have always liked some favorite companies like Wallmarn, Best Buy, Macy's and a lot more! Plus, my quick foods came from McDonalds, Burger King and Jack and the Box! In fact, the hugly popular of tacos on Jack and the Box were awesome!

Then, medical supplies and proper doctors' care, and big hosphitals. All are critical and necessary, needed using ads to all around here, especially my own life is trying to stay a I've during huge treatments that work. I am just thankful and want more treatments advertise.

Cars? Trucks? I covered races for years at stadiums and would like to much more races around! Motorcycles? I used to cover San Jose and saw a lot of motorcycles out there!

Movies and TV shows are right there, and need to promoted. Yes, I want to buy or see them all, including a boat load from Japan, and the huge U.S stars. Tom Cruse is the big one right now, for another "Mission Impossible" and the store I realy loved, "The Last Samurai!"

No matter! Google, please release them! God bless on the sale new coming 2021 year!

Christmas become dangerous in some worlds

It was a scary few days Sunday, but some violence was struck to people trying to have Christmas season on other countries, even some on the United States as attacks we done during gifts!

Apparently in the Lagos city neghborhood in Nigera, bombs were destroyed areas near Christmas celebrations, and officials said that 35 people died there. Muslim "radicals" were also described what was wrecking all te Christmas believers.

And in the United States, some gunfire were used during Christmas family meetings, and police are trying to figure out what happened. Some of tese incidents we caused by anti-Christ belivers, and could have caused by family difficulties not known then.

Iraq was also reported in striking Christians, and that was seen coming more frequent because most United States troopers are gone. The other country, Afganistan, ordinarily will strike on Christians, with Islamic rebels attacking.

Finally, Iran were also shown by using violent, where one report was stating that a woman who was put in prison after being blamed for killing her husband. Iran officials are very strict about all this.

In the recent death of a Korean leader by what people said he died of a heart attack while 62 years old, it was also reported that the leader might was murdered. So far, no real other news are there.

While as other nations have Christmas, in difficult battles rather than wonderful events, at least Americans should be using love instead of questions. God is there. Praying is needed. All these other radicals must need honest beliefs for who Gold really is.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wow! Worship on Arianna Huffington awesome!

Man! Just take a look at the new giant photos setup of Arianna Huffington, and that is the big target around we are at Gerald Carroll News Report.

Here are some very important similarities: In the old days, when Huffington viewed more than conservative than liberal (hopefully, my brain stroke isn't in the way), but she is a big supporter of the Democrats it seems.

And as we have mentioned this earlier, Huffington sold a blog from $1 million to around $315 million, and she travels all over the world and meets television ad radio all over te place!

Now, no doubt I would like to similar activities like the extraordinary Arianna. But stuck inside a rest home to survive over many life difficulties, kind of screws all this up. Here is the idea, that we have tried this out for some months.

First, GCNR was born. Despite illness, I could still write. At least some words are there!

Finally, I would like to get some kind of help from Google or others out there, to use the Gerald Carroll News Report for information by readers! The obvious attempt would get a modest signup, and small support with $1 million to $5 million. I would keep all the writing hot to everybody, and respond so ads can also be used!

That's it! Arianna, if you're around, please suggest that a brain-stroke human needs the help to remain a solid show! Than you for the great Huffingon speaking and writing greatness! I will keep on following until I still around live, trying to get well and out later!

Merry Christmas and keep on this great speeches!


CEO and cash assistant:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Spectacular holiday season for one and all!

Yes, people actually donated up to $60 for the early Gerald Carroll News Report team. Now we are ready for ads later!

What about son immediate possibilities?

First, the Walmart company deserves this. Best Buy has huge phones, computers and TVs. Burger King has sensational fries and great hamburgers! Those are the "big three" and GCNR seeks ads for these products!

Now, a gigantic number of cars, homes and furniture would need to seen here! Schools need to be shown, even some insurance like GEICO need ads! Business is needed! Even if regular companies could use GCNR ads!

We figure this out soon! What girls want to buy to wear, what guys want to riming new larger phones, when men want to watch football teams, and what women to get well after health, it should be all here!

Time to contact advertisers:

Invest in GCNR! The growth for readers are getting huge! Only a miracle on healing from a formerly death-near illness is happening! Google, go for it! Merry Christmas to you and all this weekend!

President Obama already is 2012 election winner

This is an easy one. Newt Gingrich are the leading Republican who might grab the nomination in 2012. President Barack Obama are solid in office. Note just a few things here.

It was Newt that screwed up Congress years ago, in the 1990s, while President Bill Clinton was struggling against many Republicans, as the Democratic president was battling in many times to stay as leader.

Gingrich get a little messed up wall back then, as the federal government was stuck, at one year then shutoff completely dominated. Why? Newt in the 1990s, as a big Republican, ended up getting kicked off the Washington, and he instead became a college professor. Government was a mess.

Well, government is a mess again. Remember, the guy, Herman Cain, a Republican leading the charge! Oops. A sex story put Cain out, and Newt knows he is the likely individual. That is about that.

President Obama also looks one of the guys out there who knows what he is doing. Note that when the Congress screws up most voters, Obama starts with agreeing people, not House or Senate figures.

Easy. President Obama is already an easy election in the late fall of 2012. Nobody else have a chance, unless some kind of wrong is found!

Valley Voice newspaper might close out from Visalia

Wow, this is brutal. A fine newspaper and brilliant editor George Lurie is at the news and the largest Gerald Carroll News Report.

Wish it was a little more time available. My own mind has been to earning $5 million for GCNR blog, and get a lot of ads. And, I would not wait one minunte by coming up with $1 million to lend to the Valley Voice paper!

I know it is a strong one for Google to pay some solid blogs, and using them to help an older paper, but look at this: Right now is just how a paper is valued. Ads are critical. That means ads on paper, not on blogs. However, in this case, Google could allow some cash to this report, Gerald Carroll News Report, to help a historic paper.

Maybe other business people need to help keep Valley Voice alive. It is needed and deserves. Answers:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Writing on GCNR saves life of one recovery

This is important and seen a few times during this leading report, but very important. I still live, but have struggled for fighting to stop from dying and refusing to die. So far, Google has helped the most against the pesky going-down life.

A complicated leg trouble was causing most difficulty on late 2009, and that I did recovery from that and went back to work as a reporter, later on 2011 -- after able to remain on a full life in most of 2010 -- I stopped. I was gone from April 2011 to almost August 2011 and actually came back a miracle to walk again, but scars of painful legs and hands stay.

That's where we are right now. But tell you something: My brain, which had a stroke, is much healed! I will write as many stories I can, and some days come around when the brain gets infected, and slows things.

Still, I will never stop. Gerald Carroll News Report will stay. Only when I die completely, I will not stop trying to write the facts. Look at the read issues!

Remember, soon a few years back, singer Michael Jackson died. Remember that, very soon, Steve Jobs of Apple passed away. In my situation, at least life can last. The biggest deal recently is getting two critical heart operations from doctors, and new life has arrived!

A little support, like a giant operation like Google, will help save this life and keep Gerald Carroll News Report will create the most stories possible! And money raised will go toward paying expense to stay alive will be used! All over hospital-needed healers will get as much assistanceas we can give and locate.

First, spend a great holiday season! Next, more help will be needed, and Gerald Carroll News Report will be there!

Call us here:

For Google ads, call 1-623-414-0392 for bank codes. Let's go! Google has announced $40 million in savings for holidays, for those really need something! Here's that!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Social Security gone, Google needed even more!

First, I will apologize unable to contact Google ads because the rest-home has too many activity for calling, on phones. For Google experts, please contact my CEO, Jeff Carroll, at 1-623-414-0392 and at email at Make any move right now!

Google has already reached me, Gerald Carroll, at and I humbly thank the company. My limited health remains for my CEO and bank payments are at expert Jeff Carroll.

Now, the world is even more important. Why? Because Congress has voted against our Social Security desperate by votes of 229-193. And, the Republicans are against, while President Obama supports desperate Social Security for us, people who are helpless in working, or living in an actual house!

This is my ask of Google, a huge company, to assist Gerald Carroll News Report with small donation to CEO Jeff Carroll. The time is now, right before Christmas! Please, and I braw God for the good news!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Big trouble at North Korea to south, U.S.

With the unexpected death of leader, Kim Jong il, North Korea is not what to people think who really is. For one thing, there are very few even electric lamps anywhere, compared to South Korea which has big cash and factories comparisons. Keep in mind that Seoul city arms and South Korea work well with huge Japan and, later, the United States.

Here's the big part.

North Korea has one of the largest military army in the world. The country has giant numbers of weapons. Missiles can be shot right to Seoul easily. No really known exactly how many nuclear missiles are there, but some are possible. Remember, Iraq in earlier years fired missiles to Israel, missiles that were imported from Noth Korea.

North Korea are simply a dangerous nation because the leader had a heart attack, and no real leaders are around. However, tremendous firepower of military weapons are right there and soldiers are ar armed with all kinds of weapons.

Right now, the Chinese have to get with it, of that billion-huge large nation will have some influence on North Korea. Somebody needs to get a holt of the situation so big-time war starts. U.S. troops are right there guarding near North Korea. Weapons could hit them by the North Koreans quickly.

Better must get out of this problem, soon!

Blocked back after Thursday was shut down!

Than to Gold and everybody! More Gerald Carroll News Report is back! Remember, Google officials, present GCNR gift from the $40 million available before Christmas! Please email here for result:

Have a great holiday season!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Google Team asks GCNR about $40m holiday!

Yay! This is Google great, but right now I have been so hurt by feet and hands, and still are stuck up a rest-home and recently, that the issue being assistant by the Google Team is right there!

Granted, we do not thing the entire $40 million will be given all to us! But ... It would be super for $1 million, maybe even $5 million that will generate later and fast at 2012! Note that Gerald Carroll News Report now has two books going, with fresh materia, right there!

The Google Account does give us a customer I.D. 4113539220 (I think) and hopefully we will have generate the first small $1 million and buy ads fast! GCNR is already big-time for large reading, and Facebook are joining quickly!

OK, yes, for Google Team for a little piece of $40 million as it announced to us earlier today! Yes! My body woudd need more cash to pay doctors and workers, and huge expensive for pills and proper food, and I need clothes. Everthig is old and getting well was almost a year, and costly. Immediately cost could be go to, even a $1 would go:


God bless to Google Team!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Right here: geraldcarrollnewsreport gets 10, more!

Holy mackerel! This one-word-together shows up a lot of GCNR news! The most significant is a new spot turned in by Google, which has a classy while blog, with nice words as for they say, "Gerald Carroll News Report."

The big deal is more valuable use by anyone wanting ads. Look, please ask that Google would go ahead and sell this blog! Sure, they might make $5 million, and they can keep half of that and give us $2.5 million -- and I will sign off to keep all kinds of stories written and done forever!

Again, I want to hunt for new larger ads to phones! This is where that Google have a killing with ads, and make the stories huge! Look! More and more stories, and more and more hitting all the way up the top 10 of Google! Let's go!

For further information, call:

My company is a CEO at here:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why Japan is huge importance in new reporting

Indeed, all these many different of information about Japanese music regard importance, because Japan seldom gains recognition. Why? Japan's main music are related to old American types back in big-band in the 1920s and 1930s, with costume designed with many American girls in the older New York and Chicago days.

Songs? Great! Tsunku, the man writer of the hundreds of music, have made up huge of concerts, many at large performances. AKB48 also entered many differente with penning of music by Yasushi Akimoto. While Tsunku's company started in 1999, and got really big by 2006, the AKB48 did not start with large music on 2007.

Answer: Japanse music usually gets very little performance where Americans can see many of them. That is right. That us why the current numbers at, radicalpatriot.typepad and bloggerparty.radical and other such Google finders can lead the way at YouTube and learn more about Japanese music.

It gets crazy! The Japanese music performances are stunning! After more Japanese songs are seen more, YouTube gate more interesting!

Anyway, this is where Gerald Carroll News Report will be showing some already-ads spots, and itnwill be a good thing to have new $5 million to get GCNR started! Check here:

Monday, December 12, 2011

History gives radicalpatriot.typepad, YankeeOtaku!

Since 2007, when AKB48 started it's music at Japan, the huge Vox blog was a massive hit with all kinds of Japan information, and soon in 2008 it was almost read to all. There, thank goodness for and that was a huge blessings!

Look at how ads now left, fired all there, this great Typepad spot, and preserved photos and, in some history areas, included music! Rare does any information about these companies who performed astonishing music for months, selling off great DVDs. Camera is huge, art is fantastic and action is gigantic -- and worth cash!

Sure, for many who have never seen this type of music and dancing, it is stunning. Note also the chart using how many nationals around the world actually visited the that was called Radicalpatriot. Remember this, the theme "radicalpatriot" was not used, but with my many stars and make it easy to reach this rare companies.

YankeeOtaku followed the huge AKB48, and the Morning Musume, as both critically important Japanese music big-time names barely made it Los Angeles. Coverage is all other place in, and others! Just follow Gerald Carroll News Report, and others.

Also get help from Google and others, as income is deserved! Just call:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Like Phil Libin, my Google hits go from Japan!

Time to make even more joyus as Christmas going away around here, as we at Gerald Carroll News Report go to bat with Goorgle Account! The email number is and has spread to my own old ads, which landed all ads to Google!

In the Dec. 2011 magazine of INC., it is scorekeeper Phil Libin with all the excellence that I was also following. It said that Libin, a CEO, said "Google is great!" and he is correct about that precisely report in the world. All we are trying was to copy what is needed.

Honestly, anyone with a busy blog also needs improvement. We do. One is the huge that has thousands of ads that have been there since the old Vox, which was moved out properly to Typepad.

Note on these reports. Much is about Japanese music, rare to other plays. note the thousands of world places read. This is a huge add to Google Account, and this are a
So my own predictions!

I would sat and noted Phil Libin will join here others! The man Libin has made $26 million, and we have just started our joining at Google Account were for others! We thing that Gerald Carroll News Report already deserves $1 million to start, and others have estimated $5 million because new, old and readily done stories are out and leading!

WordPress is also an excellent possibility with another personal blog, called, and we are trying to properly add my own larger stories. Another money-maker is possible!

Let's go! INC. and super man Phil Libin is there! Give us a shop!

You know:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pearl Harbor sparked United States desire at WWII

Yes, America's military received a lot of credit after finally beating Japanese, and Germans at the same time, back in 1941-45 and winning the two large wars. However, many facts on this dominate, leaving out proper history.

In the day of Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese air force crushed the United States navy. Strange was the whole situation was that U.S. militaries were "surprised" with all this when America at that time was deciding against Japan on quiet moves. For example, U.S. made it blocked for Japan to acquire steel, making it difficult for Japanese navy and air force completely built.

The United States appeared to know about China, and years the Japanese battled several key provinces of China. Looking at part of history, Japanese governments were afraid of getting more attacks from China.

Remember, that Japan was fighting for years, long before the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. I actually remember visiting Japan in 1962, as a child with only just passed to 8 years old, only about 17 years after the war. All over the homes off base at Yokota Air Force base set up by the U.S. As we played in fields, I saw old large holes bombed during the war, and occasionally, old fragments of bullets, part of helmet and actually rusted guns.

Amazing, Japanese people did not talk to Americans very much, and it was not that easy to be an American kid and playing with Japanese kids. But, on some days, there was trouble. The home, where homes were located off Yokota, lines of Japanese workers will hold up red flags, and shout against Americans. Clearly, Japanese did not wan Americans based at Japan.

There was quite a lot of trouble at Japan. In 1963, President Kennedy was shot in November in Dallas, and everybody was scared. Getting back to the U.S. was vanished about Kennedy's shot, as fear was everywhere.

More about such a trip to different country has a lot more information for reports later. Note that history, like of this 1962-65. My teachers were African-American females, twice, early in the 1960s. Kids were treated hugely different, looked at that potential adversaries. For example, the Tachi-players baseball team beat my own Johnson Air Force, with all tine Japanese teams against us.

Anyway, Japan is a lot different in taking care of many things. The nation faces quakes and typhoons. Note the earlier 2011 quake has destroyed nuclear reactors, and the country remains brutal about all this.

Hopefully, answers will keep Japan history. Right now, this report, Gerald Carroll News Report, needs to get $5 million signed, and a future of excellence will continue!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Great moves from Google, WordPress for action!

Granted that WordPress today had elected to "terms of service," known as TOS, both Google have also been an excellent assistant. It means help from both companies for Gerald Carroll News Report from WordPress's TOS, and more fabulous writings for Google.

Now, I do not the perfect lines about how companies operate, but both are fair, and very interesting. Indeed, WordPress has a list of the teams' names. Google has already been the proper names. Both companies could skyrocket GCNR, and make it tremendous advertises potential for that exiting idea.

Why? First, will stay at compact here with he nice brown cover, and easily using for small writers, and adding anyone using their new phones! Notice, that the huge Huffington Post, which sold for $1 million first after making for $315 million later, uses giant photos to start each edition. Oops. Where is everything at for all new phones?

Frankly, the smaller and GCNR is small and fast! Each story can go straight at the phone's space and read immediately! And all GCNR stories might be small, but they will be very important, and never seen anywhere!

This will top news, best work and a great spot for any advertising. Cost for $1 million for GCNR will be the drop in a bucket. It might go at $5 million, which looks even great for either of Google or WordPress! Let's go!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gerald Carroll News Report: Heart operations push into GCNR, Google too!

Gerald Carroll News Report: Heart operations push into GCNR, Google too!: Dramatic words have led the spread of Gerald Carroll News Report. Google has led the way in helping more learning about blogs in years' wort...

Heart operations push into GCNR, Google too!

Dramatic words have led the spread of Gerald Carroll News Report. Google has led the way in helping more learning about blogs in years' worth using such important by millions workers.

During medical emergency, my heart was re-built, then also was added a pacemaker. Now, a brutal body with raw with sore feet and hands is healing! The blood is more! Frank Sebart, M.D., led the way as did other a dozen more professionals at Visalia, Calif., Hospital.

So, here we go! GCNR will continue as much as coverage that means significant learning. Right now, the GCNR is boring a stronger each engine! Yes, the old great one, with Arianna Huffington, who's Huffington Post was sold from a first $1 million start and built to $315 million, is a great message!

Right now, is Arianna Huffton held for these other companies, AOL and others, please see the GCNR member CEO at email, Jeff Carroll, at immediately. A week about earlier, the small amount was $1 million, but CEO has heard that $5 is more even possible!

If sale goes to Gerald Carroll News Report, will open for a number officers, advertises and other professionals.!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

More drama as cash goes to $5m after illnesst

Yes, word was had that Saturday and I two marking alive, as two heart successful did it. Life and business. More business will kept aboud for researching news.

This piece will kept materials here to hearts from taking on large difficulties. Word remains make on action, and movie souned more truth.

Just talk about $5 million, instead shown seens of shelling Gerald Carroll News Report. This was stated at $2m, but how how we are $5m!

Friday, November 25, 2011

New GCNR ready for $1 million, like Huffington!

Arianna Huffington used to a conservative speaker years ago. Seemed to me that she went the other way, she started to report all around, speak everywhere, and was more liberal. Still, her writing stays on, and even now, when she had her blog Huffington Post sold, it was a huge success.

My life, though for tougher to just stay alive, is similar to Huffingtone. For years younger I was conservative. While in attending at Sacramento State in the 1970s, Gallo wine was actually bought ads from the college's newspaper, and Caesar Chavez unions ripped papers and destroyed them.

Instead of college reporting, I staffed working sportswriter, earning 25 cents per inch. That got big, and my usually conservative efforts was a little more liberal. It was fun listing to an other Sacramento guy, Rush Limbaugh, but it was clearly to hurt ill people, many are more liberal to gain more well before dying.

I used to teacher music in schools, and did worl at students at University of Iowa, where I was named the top faculty of 1994. Still, the huge liberal battles were rather seen me. Go elsewhere. Music and students were next.

Right now, reporting and writing. This would include Japanese music. World news are worth knowing. There was the brutal planes crashed in New York at 9/11 war, and right now, money is being wild by fixing normal people. Politics in Washington are getting screwed up. "Occupy" fight all government, and lack of money.

We all more reporting. Gerald Carroll News Report will. Yes, $1 million will start the business. Experts of editors, artists and professionals will be hired. Google will be the leader. Please, before I will die in brutal ailments, I will do as much I can. Thank you all successful companies!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Read to make cash for Google, more readers!

Thanks to large group of writing about important issues, and Google starting one idea, means that another readers' story has already started here, and another group of Gerald Carroll News Report!

Yes, remember at Arianna Huffington she first started years ago with a conservative show at first. She was rich to sell the name! Then, going to more liberal writers an fallers, that seemed to give her eventual name for the Huffington Post, which added a bunch of staff, then was sold off from Arianna for big bucks!

Note that she stillmwrites a lot everywhere, and zooms around the word to large writing and talking about everything! Now, note here that Arianna is healthy enough to work pressure Evers eye, Unfirnately, a guy like me ill and stuck at a rest home, but at least I can domthing about such a news report!

Idea: Sell this new company, add staffers and get another Gerald Carroll News Report gets off the ground! I know of what is critical -- hospital stories, foreign trouble for CIA had been hit, government is know preparing well not enough for Social Security -- and time to go for it!

OK, Google owners: This might be another news report that is already starting! Great more help from WordPress has also assisted the Gerald News Report that adds Press This and Hello World! Cash are read! All my contacts are starting! Let please let my live, and get excellent news and cash, right there!

Trying to get YankeeOtaku back on Twitter where it deserves, and many more Japanese interests and other super products, here we go!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Google, Facebook, new stores and WordPress huge!

Please, please, please, please! All of these companies have helped my former severe brain stroke, and ever a life come back with a miracle. Plus, more big stories are coming. First, I was offered more experts by Google, but my iPad command at Safari blocked this page from being used!

Note then the huge "Gerald Carroll News Report" will go back to using this area for the major news, thanks for Google. However, the excellent report will also remain at the GCNR section, including more already-started use of Press This and Hello World! also right there.

AdSense from Google and already note that I was on there, and it would be super ti rejoin, as I have find my old bank that used to be working there, and can patched up and ready. The big news are things lege YankeeOtaku, as remains and still being used.

Explain: In of, I was allowed with another copier through WordPress, and the story still goes. But, on this blog in 2009 I would usually remove other sections, and start more and critical Japanese music and other huge news.

Note that YankeeOtaku was also spotted in a other blogs, a huge of at "Best of J-Pop," known simple at where hundreds of reports, photos and rare, important news is right there.

In the has shown my own photo, a similar the one is used here, plus giant tests on thousands word used have seen this report. Ads are there. What about AdSense? Looks like a great save from the old Vox story! Key is reporting is there! So are ads! Please led me know, leaders. I will also show other reports, also using a photo of me, proves at more ads out there! Let's go!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yay! Google has done it! On time!

Teem breathless has done it! I have tried to work hard this weekend about this, andnasking for the chief, Google CEO Larry Page, I bet he was there in helping. No doubt. This story on "The Great Tech War Of 2012," on the November 2011 report on Fast Compamny, saved my life.

Sure, all the Big Four, including Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon, is making history. However, many experts, the editor Robert Saflan, described the companies all: "They are all creating mobile devices." Yes, so many companies have bought a lot of big TV audience for the new phones, which could pick up music, photos and full movies and tons of material.

Such a manufacturing rush will show computers to be no longer needed. Now, hang on here, Apple and the iPad users do help along with new phones. Wow. The enjoy word is pushed here, wndnmore andmore young people are faced with using a new phone "mobile devices" and that changes everything, and many poorly learning young people, and less cash not there, cringes all.

Since I will be finally by to able to use graphs in this reports, more will fast be reported. The amazingnstory about huge writer, Farhad Manjoo, is a heart-stopped. I had to already remark this it the magazine and editor, and one thing:

My brain will not yet die. Neither will be wrecked feet and numb hands and pailful writing. This is worth it. Now if Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos will get my old book, "Project Seek," will get back going. The big hero, though, is Mark Zuckerberg and CEO huge help at Facebook, a work that I did find some old, lost photos back to a needed family.

Thank you to all!

Yes, Google has helped, and thanks all!

Yes, indeed, this report can used and found by some trying the Google finder shows this report simply using "geraldcarroll" if the words here shown at Google's track, typing "" easily shown. A regular detailed report is not possible with this part of the actual size. Maybe that Google will help!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Larry Page: Tell the monkeys off this blog for now

Fourth attempt the wrote this report. It was read at tab "Great Tech War Of 2012." It is on Fast Company, top magazine. Now, Google leaders need to give us decent reports. Allow this Gerald Carroll Newn Report.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Oops! I stopped but Google now allows story

Sorry about this answer at the more recent answer. Note I did get the Google way to the way that allows very sloppy areas, which they do not allow graphs of each workings. Note my reports on YankeeOtaku and Radicalpatriot were al lease mentioned here. Plus, I would get AdSense back on my name, Gerald Carroll, with proof the same photo I also use this blog, Gerald Carroll New Report,mand mostly Japanese reporters which few people know. I deserve AdSense, and deserve to run again this blog right now!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

YankeeOtaku, Radicalpatriot huge for AdSense

Google was tremendous on my two of my origins, YankeeOtaku and Radicalpatriot, made hundred of hits, and many of more than five photos and proof of me inventing YankeeOtaku, Radicalpatriot and many others near these two critical uses that now get big use, and draw new advertises. Note that a key blog that use to be, Vox, instructed me to move all the large Vox stories, photos, written to other stories and music, some still can found. Please, I need to add the same instruction by AdSense. No doubt, these are work and used heavily with ads, and soon as I continue to using proper instructions with Google, I will try. With years if the big at attractions of YankeeOtaku and Radicalpatriot, please AdSense simple goes to my old bank account, now run by my CEO, Jeff Carroll, which already has fixed the bank and will after uses his email, which gives AdSense to give me a small payment. Than you, AdSense and Google!

Google starts, AdSense help needed for account

First, please note that Google is starting to help, to email assistance and starting me, a brain stroke is beginning a comeback, and predict more positive reports allowed for Gerald Carroll News Report. Please note the information I also have discovered for AdSense. Yes, AdSense has already told of my current account. I was named, and because what I used to do, I actually earned some and was only around around $70 or something like that. One blog I did use, known as YankeeOtaku, was earning a small money. Another account, known as Radicalpatriot on a still-working for Typepad, and with several Blogger blogs, all mentioned at, these are using advertising which I believe use the old Gerald Carroll name at AdSense are a similar name. The old bank name still is there, but me and my broter and legal law holder, Jeff Carroll, can help revive me to relive to AdSense. The company did tell me that my old account still remaining, and is asking the old material which has been not totally proper. I think it former used by, but Google is yet to official bet me back. Calling my local law, Jeff Carroll, is best emailed at where he can be contacted and allowing me continue with AdSense. Please allow me through Google to continue at full reporting at this blog and only very close works are still allowed, and harder with a brain stroke recovering. Than you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thank you for help by writing again

The company's welcome reports are very good. They need to make that my recently use for with the sole one who has been using the blog, Gerald Carroll News Report, and nobody I was violated. An illness I have had in this year was becoming heeled, and I improve as days has on. I promise to learn. In years ago, I had safe blogs with simple writings and was never had any problems of others finding projects and abusing them. I have a lot of learning in the last few days and want to use the original model. Thank you for emails on this hopefully recent work. It is difficult for my health to improve, while struggles stay continuing. Please allow me to write and I will make sure nobody else!

'Occupy' system organized over U.S. everywhere

Note that the "Occutep" was a plan took placing on many cities, such as New York, Seattle, Oakland, little small at Fresno but to large numbers. But ... what was the question about all this? Apparently, the area of New York and changes that have hurt money losers with more trouble at stocks, banking cash and other business seems to take up all the critical crows tearing up all the demonstrate actions get too at big. Our later reports will take issue on what is about all this.

Bing! shows GCNR participants searching

Even since one company slows the writing allowed, hopefully such critical information can be done, at least a small report. Other much more related facts are treated in areas. Go fornthe huge Bing! search and type in one of these tha use this name, lower cased, "gerald carroll" which a Bing Web can show, immediately, a superb Facebook unit. Next, typing a "" effort. Just keep reading, keep trying, stay connect. Note another useful email at "" and connect all important reports. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time to retain correctly at GCNR

Please allow us to write, and I promise not to act more less done well. Let us all try. Normally, such just losing another report while using this lesser-used area, now stops. Correct use will be done. Let us write more, and thank you for

Monday, November 14, 2011

Report here ripped off by bushwhackers

Yes, at least Bing Web can find the story here. Still, many companies try to kill off people likemus, and it is stupid to kick people who have tried hurt a life from a near-dead brain, painful hands and feet. Look here, the people have tried to block this! Sorry, if words are wrong, it was covered!

OK, thanks so far, but the tag

Actually, the usual somehow does not get this record, Gerald Carroll News Report, is some people write these the name. The name is now shown. Only using throw some on give on letter, or email, will this record show up. How about here? We will continue trying, so more who can write this report and check the blog here. Than you for at least allowing some writing!

It is time to allow writing

For why the ridiculous difficulty letting me stay in this blog without publishing, please stop this lesson which is supposed to allow but so far not working. Let us be. More want to see the story stories. States with this police keeping us from writing. Than you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Colleges not helping students with cash

Some college students, some were at Fresno State, had the degrees that used to look good, but modern days are not offering jobs. That is something is needed: More work needed, but do not at right degrees.,

Mainley because of young people, it means target phones, which all create movies, music and fast YouToub events, including live sports, football and baseball. Oops. Sure, new phones make money, but computers are left not using. Indeed, the world is getting less money since big new phones are out, and most computers are not.

Fortunately, iPad is still in there, but larger computers are using less. People with cash to spend will make more if they use phones for ads, but that also makes less to radio and TV.

Regarding work, after college degrees, is gets smaller. And the government is wrong using money, and Wall Street in New York fails at cash as protesters are broke and angry. Greece and Italy is also poor. Phones are big, but young people have wrong degrees!

IPad is now working, and great for us

Yes, iPad is a tool I bought, but in 2010. I was stuck on difficulty illness that lasted most of 2011. However, I have was able to try writing, and this iPad did figure out Gerald, old features, finally some useful email, then Gerald Carroll News Report, GCNR, so far allowed to run.

Now, edits out there: Please let contintinue and I will do reporting for a good, not bad, and help all would like to see done, at a reason and thought. Gerald Carroll can be mailed at or directing able, at least now, to this blog at to read and respond.

So far, thank you allowing Gerald Carroll News Report.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fresno State ripped so far in 2011 football

Fresno State football has been gone to 3-6 a brutal a losing 2011 season. Coacher Pat Hill, for years has been a big winner, is slowly getting thumped by fans. Early's today radio show was talking to Hill, and many of these very knowledge-based speakers made Hill tough questions.

Frankly, where are the defense of Bulldogs during football losses? Most recent losses at home to Louisiana Tech, 41-21, came at Fresno, and Louisiana Tech just don't see that fabulous anyway. Clearly, Cal was shown as the Bears solid Pac 10 when the team started on Sept. 3 and raked the Bulldogs, 36-21. Nebraska at home then won easily, 42-23 and finally North Dakota was barely defeated by Fresno State, 27-22, before Idaho clobbered the Bulldogs, 48-23.

Hmm. Getting 40 more by opponents looked sorry. In two home teams, Ole Miss crunched Fresno, 38-28, after a 57-7 horror at home at Boise. Ouch. Utah State did end up losing to the Bulldogs, 31-21' but Nevada whacked Fresno, 45-38, and Louisiana Tech had the 41-21. More 40s.

Four ganes remain in a 13-game season. If they win all four, Fresno could finish at 7-6. New Mexico start there, Hawaii then hosts Fresno, the Bulldogs then will home with San Jose before Fresno gets travel to San Diego.

Fans seem to expect a losing team overall. After that, coach Hill will wonder what the future looks. Maybe it might close to an end. Who knows?

Zeroing on GCNR with help

Note that Gerald Carroll News Report, GCNR, will be found insted of a different statement, famous Europe-famed "Gerald Carroll." Ours say this: and the exactly one stated.

The other "Gerald Carroll" does not use the "-" and says only "geraldcarroll" and does show the other story. Just use that upper use of "gerald-carroll" is find this new blog right at from of the Google chart.

Thanks, and this is great the Gerald Carroll News Report will be found easily. More is coming on news from everyone, including even sports, business and people at many areas. We will also be plug on Facebook on when the better stories be run.

Take care, and let's hope this will work!

Money causing trouble all over the world

Greece remains saying about all money is gone. People from U.S. have been violent about people by cheating cash from buyers who are losing their accounts. With readers would like to get more information of their money have disappeared, email at and I will attempt reserch news.

Hmm. Why are money experts still getting lost? Here is one with business: New phones are selling to score music and sound, at a faster way, for example, than computing. Wow. Computers are obsolete. Companies want to make all larger phones, and try to push computers. What a mess.

One great excellent person writing on Facebook is Matt Goldey, who is right to all. More on this matter of money getting craze needs to be studied? Everyone must keep questions and answers!

Please allow Gerald to write more

Getting some others checking new GCNR, but company is blocking other efforts. Hopefully this will be worked out as the actions do. Thanks for all to participating!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Good evening

On Sunday, Nov. 6, at Gerald Carroll News Report, also name simply GCNB. Please read all of local reports, and around at world as importants include through newspapers, television, radio, compueters and phones. Yes, information is hitting all people, meaning that we might be able to the mane sense.

My backround was working newspapers in many years since the 1970s, but later joined as professor at journalism at the University of Iowa in the 1990s. Most newspaper started with sports in the 1970s, and ended up 11 years at the San Francisco Examiner. More reports was then worked in Kentucky, Illinois and Iowa, where the college work 1990s.

Music teaching then was tried in California, ending up in 2005 in Orosi near Visalia in central California. Right after being a singing and instrument playing, both be taught to students. In 2006, it was time yet at the Visalia Times-Delta, and this year, 2011, I almost died and surroud only recovering in August after going out on April 2011. A was unable to talk or write for months.

There's more. Now, we are working at this blog, making sure more gets done well enough. Keep reading, and score to me at and call Jeff Carroll at 1-623-414-0392 where he can work to me will I am heal soon. Hopefully the GCNR will launch to readers so the company will allow everything use matrieals for publishing. Than for all!